

Foot & Ankle Surgeon & Wound Care Specialist located in Albuquerque, NM


Foot warts, or plantar warts, are usually harmless, but they can be painful, unsightly, and persistent. If you have warts on your feet that don’t respond to at-home care or are getting worse, consult Stephanie Parks, DPM, Justin Ward, DPM, and the team at Bosque Foot and Ankle. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or request an appointment online today. 

What are foot warts?

Foot warts are growths that can appear anywhere on your feet or toes. They’re usually raised and fleshy.

You may mistake foot warts for corns or calluses, which are areas of thick, hardened skin that result from friction and pressure. One way foot warts are different is that they can suddenly disappear and reappear, while corns and calluses fade gradually when you reduce the pressure on the affected area.

Plantar warts are a common type of foot wart. They appear on the soles of your feet and often affect your heels.

Plantar warts have a distinct appearance. They’re usually hard and flat with well-defined boundaries. The surface has a bumpy texture similar to cauliflower, and they have tiny black spots in the middle. 

Though they’re not dangerous, plantar warts can be painful, and you may feel self-conscious about their appearance. They can also be difficult to get rid of permanently and may persist for months. 

What causes foot warts?

Foot warts result from a viral infection. If you have warts, that means a virus in the human papillomavirus (HPV) family has entered your foot. The HPV virus can enter through cuts and cracks in your skin that are too small for you to see.

HPV grows in warm, moist environments. Many people with foot warts contract them after walking around barefoot in locker rooms, swimming pools, and other shared spaces where HPV thrives.

Children, teenagers, and elderly people are more susceptible to foot warts than others, but people of all ages can get them. 

What’s the best treatment for foot warts?

Plantar warts may go away on their own, but if your plantar warts have lasted for more than a few days or are causing you pain, schedule an appointment at Bosque Foot and Ankle. Over-the-counter foot wart treatments sometimes work, but they can damage surrounding tissue, and warts often return after you’ve used them.

Prescription ointments and medications may effectively treat your foot warts. In more severe cases, your podiatrist may recommend laser treatment. Though they work differently, these treatments cause the wart to gradually fall off and may also stimulate your immune system to fight the wart.

You may need repeat treatments to get rid of your foot warts. While treatment from your podiatrist is more effective than over-the-counter remedies, your warts may still come back. 

To seek treatment for unwanted warts, call Bosque Foot and Ankle or request an appointment online today.